Plastic bags can be turned into thread for use in multiple products. Local creatives from Cayo Belize want to undertake research and design of plastic thread. Plastic bag litter is a problem polluting for many communities and waterways.

While preventing the use of plastic bags before they become a problem is key; it’s important to find ways to solve the problem that is already here. By creating textiles from plastic bags, this can remove hundreds of plastic bag waste every year from local waterways and ecosystems. Plastic solutions Academy Fellows, Anthony and Michael, came up with this idea to generates local jobs in the textiles and crafts industry and clean up their favorite rivers. Belizean cultural arts have a long history of embroidery and weaving. Raw goods could fill an important niche in the local market.

These Fellows have tested the process on coasters and placemats. And with support, their work could be expanded for the local market.

Sponsor Rethreaded Textiles

Contact Sea of Life to learn more about powering any one of these local solutions for plastic pollution. We are happy to walk you through the benefits of these local projects and how your support can reduce plastic pollution in Belize.