Children’s books are great entry points for addressing behavior and values.

Iconic characters can be used for printed and digital educational materials that are supplied to classrooms and teachers, greatly expanding the message’s reach. And an environmental mascot can come to life outside of the book's pages on an expansive line of products. Orange Walk local Rebeca Novelo has a vision for this solution!

Rebeca is a strong mother, emerging author, and an avid environmentalist. As an active member of the Belize Eco Guardians, a family based group, she joined the Plastic Solutions Academy hoping to develop a locally relevant educational campaign that could impact children at early stages of development. She says she wants “to shape their little minds to create awareness, appreciation of the environment as well as inform about actions that help conserve and preserve our natural environment.”

Sponsor Little Keef
and the Barrier Reef

Contact Sea of Life to learn more about powering any one of these local solutions for plastic pollution. We are happy to walk you through the benefits of these local projects and how your support can reduce plastic pollution in Belize.